Access to the Discord and content on the website is facilitated through Unlock protocol.


If you don’t have a Web3 wallet like MetaMask, you can purchase a membership through Stripe and use your credit card and it will create you an unlock account which you can use to log in to get access to the content. It is recommended that you set up a Web3 wallet though. If you need help with this, there are a number of Youtube videos on the subject or you can purchase services from my and I’ll personally help you through the process. If you want to use the DeFi service, you will need a self-custodial wallet.

Using a Web3 Wallet

Since we are using a Layer 2 Ethereum chain, we need to add the Optimism chain to your Metamask or other custodial web 3 wallet. The easiest way is to this is to go to chainlist and add it. From there you can bridge funds to your wallet through a bridge. If you already have a bridge you like you can use that. If this is the first time using a bridge, you can use the official Optimism bridge to move some ETH or USDC to your wallet. You can still purchase membership through stripe and get it to your Web3 wallet.