Who are we?

I am a information technology professional and I’ve been involved in cryptocurrencies since 2011 when I was mining Bitcoin with ASIC miners. I have been managing my own money since I was 16 and I have a masters in IT and a masters in business administration.

I managed to accumulate a good amount of bitcoin and started expanding out into other coins like Ethereum. Being a HODLer and a believer in the future of crypto, I would not sell my holdings, even through the various booms and busts that happened. I started to wonder how I could make my funds work passively like a bank. Then the “Defi Summer” happened and the answer was apparent. DeFi was the killer app of Ethereum and suddenly it was possible to do this without even needing a centralized exchange to do so, relying on the power of smart contracts and cutting out the middle man of the bank.

Since then I moved all cash in excess of my emergency fund into stable coins to capture this opportunity and have been deeply involved in the space and keep my pulse on all of the various new exchanges and DeFi protocols to ensure my own funds are being kept safe and can continue to grow and compound into greater and greater sums.

This space is highly technical and it helps to have someone who has a deep understanding of crypto and finance alike to help guide you on your own journey.

Our Mission

To help others to improve their financial situation by exposing users to the potential in crypto finance and DeFi, simplifying investing for income in the crypto space to help people meet their financial goals.

What services does you crypto income services provide exactly?

We provide model portfolios to get people started and allocation models to reduce exchange/protocol risk and coin risk. We provide a list of coins and where they are invested and what yields we are getting with real time updates on when we move them. We provide recommendations on new exchanges and protocols. From this you can construct a portfolio based on your own risk tolerance and financial goals. We do not provide personalized financial advice.

How much do I need to to start?

For our entry level CeFi service. for our Tier 1 service, even just $500 is enough as the other opportunities to take advantage of signup bonuses for the exchanges easily cover the cost of this service. The more you have to work with, the less the transfer fees will eat out of our returns.

For the DeFi it depends on how much your time is worth, I easily spend 10+ hours a week listening to podcasts, researching new opportunities, hanging out to crypto discord and Reddit. I also subscribe to various other services in this space so but using my service you also get to leverage research by other leaders in this space. New protocols and opportunities come up almost daily so you constantly need to keep your eye out. Most opportunities are now on layer 2 Ethereum chains or other new layer 1’s with cheap transaction fees. You should be playing with money that you can tolerate more risk/volatility.

What is Discord?

Discord is a community chat tool. We use this so we can easily communicate updates to the members and have everyone allow everyone to talk amongst themselves. You can load the app on your phone or computer. This is the best way to keep up to date with what is happening.

Do you recommend NFT’s?

Not at this time. We do use NFT’s through the unlock protocol to provide access to our services.

Can you manage my money for me?


Can you provide me personalized financial advice?


Can you help me set up a wallet or make trades?

Yes, but you do the driving and I take no responsibility for your actions. Please see the personalized help section in the store.

What is the deal with all of the affiliate links?

I try to keep the service as cheap as possible, I do this by using affiliate links to help defer the costs. I make public when a link is incentivized, but I do not make decisions on the recommendations based on this. My recommendations for CeFi providers are always based on my honest assessment of their trustworthiness and transparency.

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