Bringing you the best in crypto income

Demystifying generating income from your cryptocurrency investments

Free your cash from the clutches of traditional finance with a crypto stablecoin upgrade and make your other crypto investments work for you.

3 Tiers to Build a Balanced Portfolio

Purchase Portfolio Memberships Tiers through Unlock Protocol
Crypto Income CeFi Portfolio

Convert your idle cash into stablecoins and blue chip crypto's and invest them in centralized exchanges (CeFi). Great for people new to cryptocurrencies who don't want to worry about self-custody of their funds while getting some upside from estabilished crypto's.

Crypto Income DeFi Portfolio

Explore the world of Defi. Great for people who are more familiar with cryptocurrencies who want to start exploring the DeFI space they have been hearing about. Great for people who are looking to self-custody their funds using non-custodial wallets like Metamask. You may already have some investments that you are looking to put to work making some additional income. This includes riskier "degen" plays that require some quick moves and its highly recomended that you join the discord server. Portfolio is broken up into 3 tiers of various risk levels so you can pick and choose what you are comfortable with.

Personalized Help

For those that need some help transitioning from CeFi to DeFi we offer some help to make that transition. From setting up a wallet to walking you through making your first DeFi investments. We are here to help.

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